7 reasons to find balance and improve your wellbeing
Wellbeing is not only the absence of disease or illness. It is what is ultimately good for a person. It is strongly linked to happiness and life satisfaction, so here's why you sho
3 Forgotten emotional Self care hacks, all you need to know
Emotional Self care is not just about taking a break from a stressful situation or environment. It’s about breaking through the thoughts and emotions we create around it.
The myth of Selfcare day: and why it will never work for you
Most people nowadays talk and post about Self care day, but that doesn’t actually work. It may make you think that “a day will do the trick”... But there is something wrong
From Overworked to healthy balance: client story
I always thought I would like to work with yogis and people passionate about pursuing a healthy lifestyle… But when I met Michelle it all changed.
Best ways to improve your wellbeing when you have a demanding job
People think you can’t get successful in your job if you focus on your wellbeing. But nothing could be further from the truth. The key is how to master both...